Flickering Firelight

Pen and ink

Kane stared at the reports the soldiers had written him from the field. He could read, although not well, and he refused to show weakness in getting someone else to read for him.

Anyone else would have been asleep at that hour anyway. The room was very dim, and his candles were burning low. The few words he could pick out did not please him.

There were names of towns and villages, that he could identify. And Elisenda’s name. They had yet to find her. Kane knew that she had nowhere to go, and she couldn’t have gotten very far on foot by herself with his entire army out searching for her. Someone must have been hiding her. Or his soldiers had been lying to him. He knew they distrusted him. They could be protecting Elisenda. After all, she was the true princess.

 Kane was unable to sit still. He left his seat by the window, abandoning the field report, and the flickering light of the candle to pace restlessly around the room. Shadows danced across the stone walls.